2008年7月14日 星期一

如何運用ssh tunneling 做security connection


Give one example:
vnc connection is not a secure connection. add ssh tunnel can guarantee the safe connection.
Material: "vncserver" working on linux. "vncviewer.exe" working on xp. "SSH Secure Shell Client" working on xp.

  1. vncserver settle down and setup svn port 5911(for example)
  2. setup the tunneling item of "SSH Secure Shell " as above picture 1.
    remote side port 5911, local side 6000.
  3. execute "SSH Secure Shell" and login remote vncserver side.
  4. execute vncviewer as above picutre 2.
  5. then vnc connection will be tunneling on ssh.
ps. how to change vncpasswd
#vncpasswd new_passwd
#type new_passwd again.